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SOLD / Vintage Eames for Herman Miller Early Tan Upholstered Armshell Rocker RAR

We are offering an excellent early all original Eames for Herman Miller RAR. This is an early example featuring the one piece removable upholstery with a factory painted back. These chairs always have a mystery color of fiberglass beneath, and the one-piece upholstery was not adhered to the shell as was done later in the 1960's. Carefully peak around the edge of the upholstery on this one and you'll find that you have a pretty salmon orange armshell underneath. There is no damage to the fiberglass. The chair has it's original tags, including the pretty round metal medallion. The upholstery is a carmel color with wear appropriate for its age. There is some subtle seam stretching on either side in the seat (shown in detail photos). The base has one repaired weld. The runners have patinated to a rich amber color and have no fractures or breaks. The seat and the base are original to each other and have never been separated.

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