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SOLD / Vintage Eames for Herman Miller Pale Yellow Zenith Rope Edge Armshell Dining Chair DAX

We are offering a beautiful pale yellow all original DAX. This is an early version of this chair. The early versions were made for the Eames Office by Zenith Plastics. By the mid 1950's a contract was signed with Herman Miller for marketing and showroom sales so these chairs bear a mark that includes the Eames and Herman Miller, but leaves out Zenith Plastics. This despite that we know all of the rope edge shells were produced by Zenith Plastics. Eventually production would shift away from Zenith Plastics entirely to Herman Miller.

This chair is in all original and beautiful condition. The chair and base are original to each other and the pair have never been disassembled. To maintain value and authenticity the chair will be shipped assembled. The early age of this piece means that the shell has gorgeous translucence. Inspect the seat and you will easily find the 'dime mark' that's a circular mark in the fiberglass where a dime was literally placed in the mold during the casting process to help separate the front and back halves. Finding the dime mark is an excellent indication that a seat has not been refinished, because the mark is so faint it would have been easily worn off if anyone had ever taken an abrasive to it over it's long life. We have included a photo of the dime mark. There are some faint flaws in the fiberglass under the left (as you sit) on the back area of the chair. They are minor imperfections that you may not have noticed, but we disclose them for due diligence. The shockmounts are well affixed and the rubber boot glides are all intact and original. The base shows a nice 'D,' for dining height, mark.

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