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SOLD / Vintage Wendell Lovett Pair of Fexi-Fibre / Bikini Chairs

The Fibre Flex chairs are studio pieces. Each and every one was made by Wendell Lovett himself in his studio in Seattle, Washington. Wendell first produced the chairs in the 1950's, first calling them the Fibre-Flex chair. Early examples of these chairs can be found in Cara Greenberg's book Mid-Century Modern, and Cara can be attributed to first revealing the importance of Wendell's iconographic work.

These early chairs were plagued with problems due to an unexpected problem with the particular plastic that was used, which caused the entire seat to shatter unexpectedly. As a consequence there are no known early examples that remain intact - only stories of unsuspecting guest exploding ones favorite chairs.

Wendell went back to the drawing board and by the 1980's he had resolved the plastic issue and brought the chairs back into production in his studio, now calling them the Bikini Chair (and calling the Eames 'the competition').

This example is the first pair made in the new run with the superior plastic. These are signed by Wendell himself and bear the handwritten numbers '1' and '2'. They come with an original bill of sale, their original literature, and their original boxes. They are in impeccable mint condition. They have been nearly unused.

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