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SOLD / Vintage Set of Four Matched George Nelson Parchment Swag Leg Chairs

Herman Miller founder D.J. DePree saw an article in a 1945 Life magazine featuring George Nelson's Storagewall unit, which was causing a sensation in the furniture industry. He was so impressed that he paid a visit to Nelson in New York and convinced him to be his director of design, which spurred Nelson to found his design firm, George Nelson & Associates.

The swag leg chair has a look that's light-scaled and sculpted; the chair shell flexes with the sitter and prevents heat buildup. Features wide, flat armrests so forearms can rest comfortably.

This particular example is a rare and stunning set of four matched chairs in Parchment fiberglass. To find a single Swag is a treat, a matched set of four is glorious. These chairs are in their untouched original condition. All four chairs have backrests and shockmounts well-afixed. All four chairs have manufacturers marks present. There is on chair with distinct pitting to the base, one chair with some pitting, and two chairs with light pitting. All four chairs have their original screws and glides. All four chairs have original Herman Miller marks dating the set to the 1950's.

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