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Welcome to the Modern Conscience online store.
Specializing in notable Modern furniture of the mid 20th century, restoration, preservation, & parts.


01_CovetedFurnishingsAndObjects.jpg Coveted Furnishing and Objects

For well over a decade Modern Conscience has built a network of friends, collectors, resellers, and institutions. From this unique vantage Modern Conscience is able to procure and offer some of the most coveted furnishings of the mid 20th century. Our offerings consist of a mix of pieces we have directly procured as well as pieces from private collections. Many of the pieces we offer are in virtually mint condition; any restoration which has taken place is carefully documented and noted in the item's description.

Our primary expertise is in the work of Charles and Ray Eames; you will find that we offer some of the best examples of their fascinating work.

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Modern Conscience strives to empower collectors who want the satisfaction of lovingly and personally restoring their own collections. Modern Conscience offers the largest and most accurate selection of restoration parts for Modern furniture in the world. Our parts are either OEM (original equipment manufacturer) or made in our own state-of-the-art workshops in the United States from the highest quality materials available. Our craftsmen welcome new challenges; don't hesitate to let us know if we don't have a part you're looking for. And, of course, if there are restoration efforts you would rather have us handle we're always available for that too. service@modernconscience.com

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08_ReproductionBases---.jpg Eames Style Bases

Modern Conscience offers a selection of vintage Eames bases and expert handcrafted productions of the vintage original bases. All of our bases and components are made in the United States in our own workshops. Our bases are the perfect complement in the restoration of a vintage Eames seat. Instead of throwing that vintage fiberglass shell in the trash, rescue it with one of our bases and participate in preserving a legacy in Modern design.
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